What I do

Teach Classes, Coach, Direct DSS program (lead workshops, projects, etc.)


Designer and Design Educator. I like to figure out stuff and make things.

About Me

For the past decade, Thomas Both has been teaching the ways of design. Through workshops and classes, and in his current role as Director of the Designing for Social Systems program, Thomas’s passion is helping people understand the practice of human-centered design - and their ability as designers - to innovate how they learn, think and problem solve. Working with both students and professionals, Thomas has designed and lead immersive hands-on experiences including the Design Thinking Bootcamp Executive workshop and various iterations of our fundamentals course, Design Thinking Studio. From these programs, he’s developed methodologies and created resources free to the public such as the Bootcamp Bootleg and the Design Project Guide. As Director of Designing for Social Systems, he teaches professionals how to apply design thinking to complex social challenges, and facilitates workshops for social impact leaders to develop a more human and strategic practice. Beyond design, Thomas embraces his other roles as an artist, engineer and rambunctious father to two daughters 5 and 1.

Classes Taught

    Design Thinking Studio (Design Thinking Bootcamp); Advanced Design Studio; Subjective Obsessive Beauty (Pop-up); Booster Shots

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