What is this?
This tool, developed in collaboration with Graded, the American School of Sao Paulo, helps school teams work through the uncertainties of a fall 2020 reopenming amid the Covid-19 pandemic. We suggest using our graphic organizer linked below through Mural, an online collaboration platform which will allow you to collaborate with colleagues remotely. In order to give each one of you full ownership of your own graphic organizer, please complete the following simple steps:
Set up your digital workspace
At the very bottom of this page is a link to an image of a template designed to be used with Mural.
Set up your Mural account. There’s a 30 day free trial that has been extended to 90 days, and a free license for educators.
Once you’re in your own Mural, create a new blank Mural. Name it what you like and drop Scenario Plan d.school Template.png inside. It’ll take a moment to upload.
Grab the corner of Scenario Plan d.school Template.png and stretch it out until it is at least 12300 pixels by 4000 pixels. (If your Mural is too small you won’t be able to add the right size Post Its. You can make your Mural board bigger by hovering over the right edge until a black line with two arrows becomes visible. Then click and drag to extend your Mural board.).
Once the image is resized, select it, right click on it, and lock it. This is important! If you don’t do this, people will move your image around and it will get messy.
On top of your locked image, Add Post Its to the eight boxes that say ‘place blank post its here.’ Size your Post Its to be relatively small, you should fit roughly 30-40 Post Its in each box. Do not lock these Post Its–it’s how your collaborators will share their thoughts and ideas.
Laura McBain, K12 Lab
Ariel Raz, K12 Lab
Lisa Solomon, d.school