What is this?


Make Space (John Wiley & Sons, 2012) is a book by Scott Doorley & Scott Witthoft based on the work of our Environments Collaborative – the team who designed and developed the d.school space.

It is a tool for helping people intentionally manipulate space to ignite creativity.

Appropriate for designers charged with creating new spaces or anyone interested in revamping an existing space, this guide offers novel and non-obvious strategies for changing surroundings specifically to enhance the ways in which teams and individuals communicate, work, play—and innovate. This work is based on years of classes and programs at the d.school including countless prototypes and iterations with d.school students and spaces.

Download these free resources (below) to get started. 

This content is protected under a Creative Commons 3.o Non-Commercial, Share Alike License. 

How can I visit the d.school space? 

Come check out one of our Friday public tours.

How can I get a copy of Make Space?

You can purchase copies anywhere books are sold.
Here it is on Amazon. 

More examples? 

Learn how a modified red couch influenced the environment and culture of the d.school.


Scott Witthoft, space designer and d.school faculty. 

Scott Doorley, space designer and d.school Creative Director. 

Special thanks to Grace Hawthorne & Scott Stowell.