Jan 28, 2022 06:00 PM - 07:30PM PST
In this workshop series attendees will learn about designing with an eye on radical inclusivity, community development, and hacktivism.
This series is designed to build community between those interested in leading and or working with radically inclusive organizations focused on disrupting systemic barriers within K-12 education, higher education, technology creation, and the digital divide.
Participants will hear from founders of Color and champions of change that fully embody the three themes of our series.
The themes we will highlight for this are ::
radical inclusivity,
community development,
and hacktivism.
Our conversations will explore why these leaders do what they do, how they do what they do, why it’s so important to the future of our society, and how we can contribute our current and future work in the classroom, in the community, and beyond.
Participants will learn from reflective questions posed at the beginning of each session and collectively shared by the end. The questions will be challenging attendees to incorporate their new hacktivist frameworks into their daily problem-solving, encouraging the community to create and build.
Join The Webinar: Episode ONE w/Dr. Angela Davis
Topic: (in)Visible Designers Workshop Series :: Episode ONE with Dr. Angela Davis
When: Jan 28, 2022 06:00 PM - 07:30PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Powered by GHTech and The d.school at Stanford
Co-Hosted by George Hofstetter and Milan Drake
Sponsored by African & African American Studies (AAAS) at Stanford